




电话:010-65276778 ;传真:010-65277577;负责人:罗松

The company introduces
In Beijing the spear time decoration design Limited company was founded in 1997 is Beijing specialized is engaged in the second-level enterprise which the housing and the large-scale public construction decorated and construct, was China constructs the decoration association member unit, is assigned “the specialized family decoration enterprise” by Beijing Decoration Association the Consumer Association consistent authentication “the consumer satisfied unit”, in 2004 March, the spear company by Beijing Interior decoration Association to verify authorizes into “Beijing Interior decoration Association member” in the interior decoration design construction, might contract the total construction cost is 15,000,000 Yuan engineering projects.
Spear time decoration company by its fashion design, high quality project quality, first-class service, unification visual recognition, careful making “spear decoration” brand, thus has won the big market share. At present the company has formed the network management layout gradually: Along with company's rapidly expand and the strength unceasing enhancement, has established the large-scale management development direction, the comprehensive implementation “bases Beijing, face the nation, develops the periphery” the business strategy.
Decorates the design construction primarily, develops the decoration extension product domain unceasingly, is the spear company rapid development important basis and the safeguard. Unifies international and the domestic family decoration movement pattern, the spear decoration company in industry in took the lead to propose “the furniture attire made repairs plays the part of the integration” to serve the new idea. Designs the work room first-class design and the specialized construction through the spear, as well as the furniture, the cabinet, the ceramic tile, the floor, the hardware, the sanitary equipment, the lamp are willing and so on well-known manufacturer to have the good cooperation force support, provides the entire process for the customer the service form, the transferor installs becomes truly relaxed joyful. The quality of certified level, the low end, have realized the unified standards truly, evaded for the consumer beautification has increased a sharp color.
In 2001, in 2002, the spear company relied on the high quality project quality and the good service idea obtained the higher authority concerned leader and consumer's consistent high praise. The spear time decoration company receives “the quality first, customer is supreme” the service objective, hopes by the design idea, the first-class project quality, the consummation post-sale service builds one warmly for the general consumers, the happy family.

家饰学院 / EDU
电话:020-36278058 免费咨询热线:400-888-9937
广东省具有投资价值品牌 广东省守合同重信用企业 广东省经销商会会长单位